Today is
the day of the domain name
. A good time for Nerox to write a short post about this. Many businesses think that a good domain name automatically leads to a higher ranking in Google. A higher ranking in Google requires more than a strong domain name. A common question from customers is: If I buy as many domain names as possible, won’t I automatically rise in the rankings? Unfortunately, we must answer this question with an (unfortunately) adamant no. Unfortunately, a good domain name does not increase your ranking in Google, but it can help make your business more recognizable. Of course, proper recognition of your website also requires more than simply linking multiple domain names to your website.
Nerox’s free website analysis
Do you want to rank higher in Google? Then you can achieve this by applying search engine optimization for your website. To gain insight into where your (direct) areas of improvement lie, you can use our free website analysis. Want insight into your website’s areas for improvement? Then send us your web link and
contact information
so we can contact you to send the report to you.